Pet Grooming Videos

Basic Dog Grooming 101 by Bobs Pet Stop

Bathing your dog is an excellent way to prevent your dog from developing an itching problem. But don't plan on bathing your dog on a daily basis. To much water and shampoo will completely strip your dog of the oils that are naturally found on the dog's skin. When these natural oils are stripped away the dog's skin dries out and becomes more prone to infections. 

At the local Lord or Lady have their hair cut alongside their pet There are actually paintings from that era that depict a dog being sheared while sitting on ladies lap. As breeds became popular in the 17th century, poodles inFrance received recognition for being the dog of the court. This entry also records that professional grooming parlors were open for dogs. 

The advantage is that you will find but veterinarian close to your home and will not have to mail order or order the supplies off the Internet. You might want to call ahead to make sure that your but veterinarian has the proper pet grooming supplies for your breed of dog. Different breed sometimes require different supplies, and if you have a rare breed for that area of the country in which you live, it may be hard to find the proper grooming equipment. 

Even when you get a new puppy or kitten, pet grooming is important way to develop the bonding practices. As you brush or wash your pet, the constant touching and soothing gives the young animal a sense of well being. The relationship between caregiver and animal becomes stronger as more attention is given to the pet. 

Make sure that you spend some time handling and cleaning your pets ears. The more their ears get handled at a young age the easier it will be for your veterinarian to inspect and treat any ear infections your pet might develop later in life. Dog and cat owners all know that trimming their pets nails can be a monstrous engagement. 

It is the cat owners responsibility to make sure that the cat's nails are trimmed, that any particularly nasty mats and knots are removed from their coats, and that their teeth are kept clean and free of tarter and decay. In order to make sure that your cat is properly groomed you need a very basic set of equipment, your toolbox of cat grooming supplies.