Pet Grooming Videos

How To Groom Your Dog at Home (Maltese Grooming)

Thoroughly wet the animal's coat, and apply a liberal amount of mild pet shampoo. Quality shampoos are available in many discount stores and a full-line pet store can provide additional choices for specific problems such as fleas, ticks, or dry skin problems. After lathering the coat, it is essential to remove all residue of the shampoo. 

Pet owners who have dogs that don't like traveling generally avoid having their dog groomed. That leads to the second way a mobile pet grooming service can improve your dog's health. A professional dog groomer will notice changes in your dogs hair coat and skin that could indicate health problems if not dealt with immediately. 

As unhappy as cat owners might be about having balls of half digested hair littering their house, they are even less happy about large hairballs that remain in their house cat's stomach. When the enormous hairball makes its way into the cat's intestine it can create a blockage that frequently means a hasty trip to the vet for an emergency surgery. 

Explain to your child that they are not suppose to remove the guinea pigs entire nail, that the only thing that is going to be removed with the nail clippers is the sharp tip of the nail. On a guinea pig that has white nails you should be able to see the tiny blood vessels that run through the nails, explain to your child that the blood vessels represent a living part of the nail, that the goal is to trim the nail with hurting the tiny blood vessels. 

People don't even think twice of spending hundreds of dollars having their pets groomed and bathed by a pet grooming professional. It is such a common connivance that many people forget the history of what made this profession what it is. If you look at the paintings of the Elizabethan era you will see pets portrayed in paintings that are well groomed and clean. 

The clippers can leave a nasty razor burn that can open its way to later infections. If you accidentally give your pet a burn while grooming, stop and apply first aid. Put on some anti-bacteria salve and if possible clean the wound. Hug you pet and let it know that you are sorry and it was an accident.