Pet Grooming Videos

Wire Fox Terrier Grooming,

If left on the dogs hair long enough the pollens, dirt, and dander start irritating the dogs skin and dog start chewing and biting at the offending spot. Brushing your dog's hair just once a day will help prevent the build-up of items that can lead to itching problems. Not only will you be preventing a bout of itching your dog will love the time spent with its owner. 

Professional groomers are people who know how to make a pet look good, they aren't animal trainers. Pet owners shouldn't expect them to turn into trainers when they drop their pet off at the pet groomers. The easiest way to teach your pet that grooming is a pleasurable experience is to start grooming them when they are very young. 

The odor emitting from their pet means that they have to take time out of their busy day to either take their pet to the pet groomer and have it bathed, or they have to bath their dog themselves. Even then there is no way that they can be sure that the offensive odor will wash out of the dog's coat. Dog experts believe that dogs roll in things like dead fish, road kill, and manure in an attempt to disguise themselves. 

This is not only physical injury, but emotional. Trust is loss once pain is inflicted and your pet may not treat you the same afterward. The first common mistake is getting to close to the skin while shaving. The clippers can leave a nasty razor burn that can open its way to later infections. If you accidentally give your pet a burn while grooming, stop and apply first aid. 

The fist item you need in your cat grooming toolbox is a brush. This brush have bristles that are strong enough to remove mats and debris from your cats coat, but still soft enough that they won't pull and tear at your cat's delicate skin. If you have a cat that seems to be particularly susceptible to getting massive knots in its coat you will want to invest in a specially designed mat spreader. 

This help keep the rabbit's coat clean and free of mats but also keeps the rabbit more comfortable during the hot summer months. If you have never trimmed a rabbit's long hair before, you might want to take your rabbit to a professional pet groomer and watch how it's done before you try it yourself. When using the clippers or scissors, be very careful that you don't damage the rabbits skin.