Pet Grooming Videos

How to Use Clippers when Grooming a Shaggy-Haired Dog : Dog Grooming

Most cats do not like water and bathing them can be a adventure as both cat and human fight for dominance. Most cats become emotionally distraught when immersed in water, and it takes a experience pet groomer to calm the cat and at the same time protect both parties involved. Pet grooming techniques have been designed to keep the animal safe and give the animal confidence in the person doing the bathing. 

If you do get bitten by your cat while giving it a flea bath you will want to get to your doctors office right away, even cats that are kept inside, have dirty mouths and cat bites can get infected very quickly. After your cat is clean and free of fleas, send some time cuddling it and brushing its freshly washed hair. 

This means that the pet grooming professional is not sanitizing between animals. Look at the clippers. Be assured that they are sanitized. If the clippers have dried blood or hair on them, you need to find another groomer. The personal appearance of the pet grooming expert is also important. Look for stains or blood on their clothing. 

It doesn't seem to matter if it is black swamp water, dead fish, or a pile of slimy manure, if it stinks and can be rolled in, the dog is happy. While smelling like a walking barking sewer system is a dogs idea of heaven on earth, its owners are normally less then enthusiastic. The odor emitting from their pet means that they have to take time out of their busy day to either take their pet to the pet groomer and have it bathed, or they have to bath their dog themselves. 

The owner must take care in their own demeanor and remain calm and soothing during this process. Most cats will not take kindly to this treatment, especially if it is a new pet grooming experience, and some may holler about the indignity of the situation. Contrary to the cat's belief, the experience should not be too upsetting and fortunately, upon becoming dry, most cats will eventually forgive their offending owner. 

Signs that your cat is suffering from a hairball are; your cat ignoring their personal grooming regime and allowing their coat to become dirty and matted, constant coughing and hacking, loss of appetite, constipation, and depression. Long haired cats, because of the length of their coat, are more prone to hairballs then their short haired contemporaries.