Pet Grooming Videos

PediPaws - Pet Grooming Clipper As Seen on TV

Most cats become emotionally distraught when immersed in water, and it takes a experience pet groomer to calm the cat and at the same time protect both parties involved. Pet grooming techniques have been designed to keep the animal safe and give the animal confidence in the person doing the bathing. A good cat groomer will use the necessary gloves and other equipment to make bathing a more pleasant experience for the feline. 

The sound they make when trying to bring up a hairball is similar to a person suffering from dry heaves, although the noise is slightly higher pitched. Most cat owners also report that the best time of day to extract a troublesome hairball is in the middle of the night so that sound can keep the cat's entire family up all night. 

There are plenty of horror stories out there that will make any responsible pet owner shutter. You must know and trust your pet groomer or disastrous results may occur. This article is a helpful guide to watching for red flags when you visit your local pet grooming expert whether you have used them for a long time or it is a first time visit. 

We are so accustomed to our house cats taking care of their own hygienic needs that we sometimes forget that they, just like dogs, need us to help with their grooming. It is the cat owners responsibility to make sure that the cat's nails are trimmed, that any particularly nasty mats and knots are removed from their coats, and that their teeth are kept clean and free of tarter and decay. 

It is better if you use a comb and patiently work the mat loose, a few hairs at a time. If you find that this is to trying on your patience, you might want to take your pet rabbit to a professional pet groomer and have them remove the mats with a pair of electric clippers. Every few weeks, check and make sure that your rabbit's nails haven't gotten to long. 

There is a vein that runs part way up the nail starting at the base. Within this vein there are blood vessels and nerve endings. If you should happen to cut into this vein, the nail will begin to bleed and there will certainly be pain involved. If your pet shows any sign of pain stop, what you're doing and comfort the animal.