Pet Grooming Videos

The Mr. Men Show - Mr. Tickle's Pet Grooming Service

They have a strange tool pulling and brushing their hair and their natural reaction is to defend themselves. By going slow and using soothing sounds, the owner can slowly introduce the new animal to the process. As the grooming goes on and the animal feels more comfortable, stronger strokes can be applied. 

If flea collars are your preferred method of flea control make sure that the collar is not so tight that your cat has difficulty breathing and eating but not so loose that your cat is in danger of getting caught on objects while it plays. If your cat already has fleas, the fastest way to get rid of them is to give it a flea bath. 

Dogs that Itch It makes dog owners crazy, the dog that has skin that is so itchy and uncomfortable that the dog is constantly scratching at itself, using paws and teeth to worry at the area until the dog has removed all the hair from the area and the remaining flesh is raw and bleeding. This bald area, a spot that most dog owners call a hot spot, is an eyesore and causes some dog owners such acute embarrassment that they are unable to take their dogs out in public. 

If you have dog that consistently rolls in stinky, smelly items, you may want to consider taking him to a professional pet groomer and having his coat clipped. The shorter coat will be more comfortable for the dog during the hot summer months and while the shorter hair wont prevent your dog from rolling in the smelly items, the shorter coat will be easier for you to wash, and will dry faster. 

In order to make sure that your cat is properly groomed you need a very basic set of equipment, your toolbox of cat grooming supplies. The fist item you need in your cat grooming toolbox is a brush. This brush have bristles that are strong enough to remove mats and debris from your cats coat, but still soft enough that they won't pull and tear at your cat's delicate skin. 

If you find that this is to trying on your patience, you might want to take your pet rabbit to a professional pet groomer and have them remove the mats with a pair of electric clippers. Every few weeks, check and make sure that your rabbit's nails haven't gotten to long. If you think they are looking long, or notice that they are starting to catch on your carpeting it is time to trim them.