Pet Grooming Videos

3 step dog grooming basics

Especially for inside pets, if the nails are not trimmed properly they will have a tendency to grow around within themselves and be painful for the animal to walk upon. Also the nails will split easier if left unattended leaving unsightly cracks and an irritating feeling in their paws. If proper pet grooming is initiated early enough, the pet will grow in emotional maturity and you will have a stable animal that will have the benefits of good hygiene and good health. 

If you are using clippers that make a noise, turn them on a good distance from your gut. Turn them off again and woke toward your pet, turning them on and gently putting the vibration next to the body. When they realize that the clippers will not hurt them, they will be more susceptible in allowing you to cut their hair. 

The nails can also cause damage to furniture or carpet. Pet grooming experts use special precautions when clipping the nails of a dog or cat. The nail trimmers must be able to securely go over the diameter of the nail and not angled at all. To try this task at home, one must know where to cut and how deep down the nail to clip. 

After bathing, the pet owner will find that brushing will be must easier when facilitated with this product. If the pet is of the short or wire-haired variety, the owner will find that a final rinse with a mixture of one-half gallon of water with two tablespoons of cider vinegar will effectively remove any residual soap and give the coat a healthy glow. 

Flea Baths-An Important Part of Your Cat's Grooming Regime There is very little worse for a family then living in a house with a cat that is suffering from a flea infestation. It's bad enough that your cat is always scratching and clawing at itself, even ripping large hunks of hair and flesh from its body in an attempt to rid itself of the biting insects. 

Pet grooming techniques have been designed to keep the animal safe and give the animal confidence in the person doing the bathing. A good cat groomer will use the necessary gloves and other equipment to make bathing a more pleasant experience for the feline. The most difficult job for the cat pet grooming expert is to cut mats off long-haired cats.