Pet Grooming Videos

GROOMING: Maltese Bear Face Trim and Summer Cut - Polar Bear Face Trim, Body Cut Part 2 Tutorial

If you look at the paintings of the Elizabethan era you will see pets portrayed in paintings that are well groomed and clean. Who did the grooming? Was grooming a pet an actual profession back then? Was the local barber responsible for pet care as well as cutting hair and medical responsibilities? At the local Lord or Lady have their hair cut alongside their pet There are actually paintings from that era that depict a dog being sheared while sitting on ladies lap. 

Cat owners also find that their cat is very clever at depositing the hairball in places where it's humans frequently walk barefoot, like on the bathroom floor, directly next to the shower. As unhappy as cat owners might be about having balls of half digested hair littering their house, they are even less happy about large hairballs that remain in their house cat's stomach. 

We are so accustomed to our house cats taking care of their own hygienic needs that we sometimes forget that they, just like dogs, need us to help with their grooming. It is the cat owners responsibility to make sure that the cat's nails are trimmed, that any particularly nasty mats and knots are removed from their coats, and that their teeth are kept clean and free of tarter and decay. 

Strapping a flea collar around you cat's neck will help prevent fleas from sipping your pet's blood provided your cat is not adept at slipping the collar from around its neck. If flea collars are your preferred method of flea control make sure that the collar is not so tight that your cat has difficulty breathing and eating but not so loose that your cat is in danger of getting caught on objects while it plays. 

Try to use a shampoo that is specifically designed for dogs. Human shampoos can strip the dogs coat of its natural oils, leaving the skin unprotected and open to rashes and infections. Dog shampoos are made to clean the dog's coat, without stripping it of the natural oils. If the dogs stink is especially strong, like the scent of a skunk, bathing the dog in tomato juice is one of the quickest ways to remove the smell. 

This help keep the rabbit's coat clean and free of mats but also keeps the rabbit more comfortable during the hot summer months. If you have never trimmed a rabbit's long hair before, you might want to take your rabbit to a professional pet groomer and watch how it's done before you try it yourself. When using the clippers or scissors, be very careful that you don't damage the rabbits skin.