Pet Grooming Videos

Wahl Professional Dog Grooming 5F SwitchBlade

This book made references concerning dog grooming in England and gave helpful hints of how to clean, groom, and keep your dog healthy. As animals became more a part of society, pets and work animals became more important dictated on how they looked.. The animals were groomed, either by their owners or professional pet groomers. 

If you accidentally give your pet a burn while grooming, stop and apply first aid. Put on some anti-bacteria salve and if possible clean the wound. Hug you pet and let it know that you are sorry and it was an accident. Though they might not understand the words, your pet will understand the tone and will react accordingly. 

Large eared dogs already have a predisposition for ear problems and the shaking of their ears back in forth can rupture blood vessels. Professional pet groomers have specialized equipment to remove ear hair, but the novice may use nose hair trimmers to get the same effect. The noise of the clippers may scare the pet, so stroke him with the other hand and offer soothing words to calm them. 

Upon noticing this condition, the cat owner will need to "freshen" the feline. This can be best achieved by pouring baking soda under lukewarm running water into a large sink or washtub. Once the baking soda has dissolved, carefully grasp two of the cat's paws in one hand, while doing the same with the other paws. 

Some dogs don't like to leave their home. The act of getting into a car and driving into town for a scheduled appointment with a pet groomer gives them anxiety attacks. The experience is stressful for everybody involved, the pet owner, the professional groomer. and most importantly the dog. Pet owners who have dogs that don't like traveling generally avoid having their dog groomed. 

If you do get bitten by your cat while giving it a flea bath you will want to get to your doctors office right away, even cats that are kept inside, have dirty mouths and cat bites can get infected very quickly. After your cat is clean and free of fleas, send some time cuddling it and brushing its freshly washed hair.