Pet Grooming Videos

Puppy Cut Ears - Different Shapes - Do-It-Yourself Dog Grooming

There are many styles of muzzles the home pet groomer or pet grooming expert can use. The most popular one is called the softie. The softie is made of a pliable, soft, but resistant material that gives your dog the ultimate comfort as they are being groomed. The DuPont fabric is known not to tear or wear during the pet grooming experience. 

Watch the wound carefully and if it becomes red or issues puss, contact your veterinarian immediately. If the animal licks or otherwise irritates the wound, you might want to get a protective plastic collar to stop the behavior. Another mistake in novice pet grooming is getting shampoo or other chemicals in your pet's eye. 

If you do get bitten by your cat while giving it a flea bath you will want to get to your doctors office right away, even cats that are kept inside, have dirty mouths and cat bites can get infected very quickly. After your cat is clean and free of fleas, send some time cuddling it and brushing its freshly washed hair. 

The online pet grooming sites also offer a variety of products like shampoos, conditioners, and products that remove major animal infestations like fleas, ticks, our other vermin. Be careful if you're animal has sensitive skin. Some products may have an acidic quality than may leave rashes or irritating marks on your animals hide. 

Even then there is no way that they can be sure that the offensive odor will wash out of the dog's coat. Dog experts believe that dogs roll in things like dead fish, road kill, and manure in an attempt to disguise themselves. What nobody know is why they feel the need to camouflage their scent. It could be a throwback to the days when they hunted their dinner, if the prey couldn't smell them, they stood a better chance of capturing something to eat. 

The first thing a pet owner has to understand is that if they brush or bath their pet at home, there is absolutely no way a pet groomer is going to be able to. Professional groomers are people who know how to make a pet look good, they aren't animal trainers. Pet owners shouldn't expect them to turn into trainers when they drop their pet off at the pet groomers.