Pet Grooming Videos

Grooming a Pet West Highland White Terrier with Courtney Ramstack

Signs that your cat is suffering from a hairball are; your cat ignoring their personal grooming regime and allowing their coat to become dirty and matted, constant coughing and hacking, loss of appetite, constipation, and depression. Long haired cats, because of the length of their coat, are more prone to hairballs then their short haired contemporaries. 

The owner must be prepared to drive a cat to the groomer, leave them overnight, and pick them up the next day. Before leaving the groomer, inspect your animal and make sure there are no serious cuts or abrasions. Also run your fingers through the animal's coat to make sure that all mats are taken off properly. 

This article is a helpful guide to watching for red flags when you visit your local pet grooming expert whether you have used them for a long time or it is a first time visit. If it is a first time visit, ask the groomer to look at the grooming area. Make sure the equipment used is right for your pet. 

After your cat is clean and free of fleas, send some time cuddling it and brushing its freshly washed hair. Let it know that you really didn't mean to torture it and that you still love it. Eventually your feline friend will forgive you. Bathing your cat will be easier if it is something that you do to it on a regular basis. 

Also the nails will split easier if left unattended leaving unsightly cracks and an irritating feeling in their paws. If proper pet grooming is initiated early enough, the pet will grow in emotional maturity and you will have a stable animal that will have the benefits of good hygiene and good health. 

At the local Lord or Lady have their hair cut alongside their pet There are actually paintings from that era that depict a dog being sheared while sitting on ladies lap. As breeds became popular in the 17th century, poodles inFrance received recognition for being the dog of the court. This entry also records that professional grooming parlors were open for dogs.