Pet Grooming Videos

More Persian Cat Grooming With The Pet Maven, The Lion Cut

Why You Should Use a Muzzle During Pet Grooming Home pet grooming can be an experience for both animal and owner. The activity stresses out some dogs and cats and they behave differently when they are getting a bath or having their nails clipped. They may snip or bite at the pet groomer even if they are the ones they love. 

Even when you get a new puppy or kitten, pet grooming is important way to develop the bonding practices. As you brush or wash your pet, the constant touching and soothing gives the young animal a sense of well being. The relationship between caregiver and animal becomes stronger as more attention is given to the pet. 

Most animals do not like pet grooming and the ordeal of nail trimming can be a very a stressful time for them. The best method is to sit down beside your dog or cat, and began to brush their coat. Once they are calm and comfortable place their paw into your hand. Do not show them the clippers at first, but massage their feet like you would if you were playing with them. 

while grooming, you are constantly hands-on, stroking your animal and pulling out mats and snags in their hair that may have been a source of discomfort. As you groom your animal, the animal becomes more placid and at ease. Your pets grooming method may include using brushes, clippers or variety of other instruments. 

Some of the best dog groomers refuse to groom cats due to the fact of the danger to both themselves and the animal. Most cats do not like water and bathing them can be a adventure as both cat and human fight for dominance. Most cats become emotionally distraught when immersed in water, and it takes a experience pet groomer to calm the cat and at the same time protect both parties involved. 

Although any brush can be used to groom your pet cat, a cat brush purchased from pet store has bristles that are specially designed for cat hair. Daily grooming routines will strengthen the bond between you and your cat. If you have a long haired cat, or even a short haired cat that seems prone to hairballs, you may want to consider clipping your cat to remove excess hair.