Pet Grooming Videos

Persian Cat Grooming With The Pet Maven

Although most of these chemical treatments work, some dogs have severe and sometimes fatal, allergies to the chemicals. Dog owners would be wise to turn to grooming as their first defense against their dogs persistent itching. The best policy for an itchy dog is to brush it on a daily basis. Most canine itching problems are caused by pollens, dirt, mats, and dander that stay on the dogs coat. 

It is stain resistant and can be machine washed. If you are grooming several dogs in succession, it is wise to wash the softie between dogs or to use another muzzle so diseases or bacteria will not be passed. There are several sizes of softies even for little breeds like Yorkies or Chihuahuas. Pet grooming experts do emphasize to not keep the muzzle on for an extended period of time. 

If you wash your dog outside, wash it in a fenced yard so that the temptation to run will be short lived and safe. Pet grooming is best left to a professional. The temptation to do it yourself may lead to a successful experience that will be cheaper. The bonding time with the animal is another perk to grooming your pet yourself. 

If a hairball creates a blockage, your pet rabbit will have to go to the veterinarian where the resulting surgery could cost several hundred dollars. When you are brushing your rabbit bear in mind that the average rabbit sheds its old coat approximately every three months, during this period of time increase the frequency of your brushing, and prepare to vacuum your house twice as often, you'll be amazed at how much hair comes off the tiny body. 

Compared to cats and dogs, guinea pigs are a cheap pet. Even rescuing a kitten from an animal shelter can cost more then fifty dollars, a young, well cared for guinea pig can be purchased for fifteen dollars. The average guinea pig doesn't need as much veterinary care as a dog or cat. A guinea pig can be kept in the child's bedroom, it doesn't run around the house, disrupting the entire household. 

Most of the products are quite successful provided the cat owner follow the directions and use them properly. Flea collars are a traditional favorite of pet owners in the war against fleas. Strapping a flea collar around you cat's neck will help prevent fleas from sipping your pet's blood provided your cat is not adept at slipping the collar from around its neck.