Pet Grooming Videos

Grooming the pet Schnauzer part 1

Another thing that cat owners can do to prevent hairball is to purchase cat foods that are specially designed to prevent hairballs from forming in the cat's digestive system. If your budget wont extend to purchasing expensive anti-hairball foods, you may want to consider other commercial hairball remedies. 

There are even pet grooming conventions that meet periodically around the United States and the world to present the newest techniques and equipment used in the pet grooming industry. There are thousands of web pages dedicated to the art and fashion of grooming and as with many long-standing professions a rich history of pet grooming dictates pride and self achievement in the professional. 

If you have a cat that seems to be particularly susceptible to getting massive knots in its coat you will want to invest in a specially designed mat spreader. Unless you have had your house cat declawed your cat will need to have its nail clipped. In the wild cats need their sharp claws to defend themselves and to help them capture and kill prey, Feral cats keep their nail from becoming overly long by walking around on hard surfaces that wear down the nail, keeping it sharp. 

Dogs, who are perfectly happy to splash in mud puddles and swim in rivers, develop an unreasonable fear of water when their owner starts to unroll a hose. Cats who are happy to spend the entire day being stroked by their human, turn into shrieking banshees when that same owner picks up a brush. The first thing a pet owner has to understand is that if they brush or bath their pet at home, there is absolutely no way a pet groomer is going to be able to. 

Your pets grooming method may include using brushes, clippers or variety of other instruments. Let your pet smell, the instrument before you start applying it to their hair or skin. The more familiar they are with the tools that you use, the less they will feel stressed having an unknown object structure near and on their body. 

The owner must be prepared to drive a cat to the groomer, leave them overnight, and pick them up the next day. Before leaving the groomer, inspect your animal and make sure there are no serious cuts or abrasions. Also run your fingers through the animal's coat to make sure that all mats are taken off properly.