Pet Grooming Videos

SCAREDY CUT Silent Pet Grooming Kit

It doesn't seem to matter if it is black swamp water, dead fish, or a pile of slimy manure, if it stinks and can be rolled in, the dog is happy. While smelling like a walking barking sewer system is a dogs idea of heaven on earth, its owners are normally less then enthusiastic. The odor emitting from their pet means that they have to take time out of their busy day to either take their pet to the pet groomer and have it bathed, or they have to bath their dog themselves. 

As unhappy as cat owners might be about having balls of half digested hair littering their house, they are even less happy about large hairballs that remain in their house cat's stomach. When the enormous hairball makes its way into the cat's intestine it can create a blockage that frequently means a hasty trip to the vet for an emergency surgery. 

This is important because long nails can cause pain to your animal's feet and they can be used as a weapon whether on purpose or by accident. The nails can also cause damage to furniture or carpet. Pet grooming experts use special precautions when clipping the nails of a dog or cat. The nail trimmers must be able to securely go over the diameter of the nail and not angled at all. 

If a rabbit owner isn't showing their long haired rabbit, they typically trim the hair so that it is only one inch long. This help keep the rabbit's coat clean and free of mats but also keeps the rabbit more comfortable during the hot summer months. If you have never trimmed a rabbit's long hair before, you might want to take your rabbit to a professional pet groomer and watch how it's done before you try it yourself. 

Pet grooming with these types of animals needs to be particularly diligent in finding these mats and cut them short enough to brush out without actually shaving the hair off the skin. For long-haired cats to have no hair on their body opens them up for infection and disease. Serious skin infections can result which is constantly in both time and money. 

If they are not conscious of their negative approach to your pet while you are there, think about how more negative are harmful the pet grooming professional will be if you are not there. The first thing a pet owner should look for is the animal's attitude when returning from a groomer. Of course most pets will be shaken, but if an animal acts extremely shy or skittish after the appointment a further look in the pet groomer's practices may need to be explored.