Pet Grooming Videos

Shih Tzu Grooming - Top Knot / Richmond Hill Dog Grooming Salon

The supplies you need vary with the type of dog you have and whether that dog has long or short hair. The thickness of the coat is important because some clippers may cause pain or irritation to your animal. Pet grooming supplies can be found at your local but veterinarian. Here you can find clippers, nail clippers, and even small, little clippers that can cut ear hair. 

Explain to your child that they are not suppose to remove the guinea pigs entire nail, that the only thing that is going to be removed with the nail clippers is the sharp tip of the nail. On a guinea pig that has white nails you should be able to see the tiny blood vessels that run through the nails, explain to your child that the blood vessels represent a living part of the nail, that the goal is to trim the nail with hurting the tiny blood vessels. 

Bathing your dog is an excellent way to prevent your dog from developing an itching problem. But don't plan on bathing your dog on a daily basis. To much water and shampoo will completely strip your dog of the oils that are naturally found on the dog's skin. When these natural oils are stripped away the dog's skin dries out and becomes more prone to infections. 

The most popular one is called the softie. The softie is made of a pliable, soft, but resistant material that gives your dog the ultimate comfort as they are being groomed. The DuPont fabric is known not to tear or wear during the pet grooming experience. It is stain resistant and can be machine washed. 

This unintentional act will sting your pet's eyes and lead to an unpleasant pet grooming experience. Wash the soap out with water or saline solution and dab the corners of the eye with a sterile cloth. Sooth you animal and try to take the focus off their eyes and maybe gain their attention by showing them a favorite toy or ball. 

In the wild cats need their sharp claws to defend themselves and to help them capture and kill prey, Feral cats keep their nail from becoming overly long by walking around on hard surfaces that wear down the nail, keeping it sharp. The only real use house cats have for their claws is scratching furniture and occasionally swiping at their human caretakers.