Pet Grooming Videos

Yorkie Pet Grooming

Cat owners also find that their cat is very clever at depositing the hairball in places where it's humans frequently walk barefoot, like on the bathroom floor, directly next to the shower. As unhappy as cat owners might be about having balls of half digested hair littering their house, they are even less happy about large hairballs that remain in their house cat's stomach. 

If you look at the paintings of the Elizabethan era you will see pets portrayed in paintings that are well groomed and clean. Who did the grooming? Was grooming a pet an actual profession back then? Was the local barber responsible for pet care as well as cutting hair and medical responsibilities? At the local Lord or Lady have their hair cut alongside their pet There are actually paintings from that era that depict a dog being sheared while sitting on ladies lap. 

Proper pet grooming can provide an emotional symbol that you care for your pet andthe pet will respect the owner more when the quality time at the grooming is applied. The simple bonding that is demonstrated between an animal and their owner during grooming is the most important aspect of the mental health of your animal. 

They will pick up on your negative energy and be uncomfortable being trapped on your lap. Instead of grooming, spend the time playing a game with your puppy or kitten. They won't feel trapped and will still have your undivided attention which will make them happy, and you will find that watching them play will have a therapeutic effect on your mental health. 

Trust is loss once pain is inflicted and your pet may not treat you the same afterward. The first common mistake is getting to close to the skin while shaving. The clippers can leave a nasty razor burn that can open its way to later infections. If you accidentally give your pet a burn while grooming, stop and apply first aid. 

The softie is made of a pliable, soft, but resistant material that gives your dog the ultimate comfort as they are being groomed. The DuPont fabric is known not to tear or wear during the pet grooming experience. It is stain resistant and can be machine washed. If you are grooming several dogs in succession, it is wise to wash the softie between dogs or to use another muzzle so diseases or bacteria will not be passed.