Pet Grooming Videos

Small Animals as Pets - PetSmart

Especially for inside pets, if the nails are not trimmed properly they will have a tendency to grow around within themselves and be painful for the animal to walk upon. Also the nails will split easier if left unattended leaving unsightly cracks and an irritating feeling in their paws. If proper pet grooming is initiated early enough, the pet will grow in emotional maturity and you will have a stable animal that will have the benefits of good hygiene and good health. 

It won't be very long before they learn that sitting still through the grooming process means that they will get to the fun stuff faster. If you are having a bad day, avoid grooming your pet. They will pick up on your negative energy and be uncomfortable being trapped on your lap. Instead of grooming, spend the time playing a game with your puppy or kitten. 

Pet owners who enlist the aid of a mobile pet grooming service will be stunned by the luxury their pets can enjoy without ever leaving their familiar surroundings. One mobile pet service company that operates in the United States has vans that are outfitted with blow dryers, and heated hydro baths, in addition to the pet groomers regular grooming tools and supplies. 

Mites can actually cause the animal to do damage to their inner canal as they stick their nails inside trying to scratch. Large eared dogs already have a predisposition for ear problems and the shaking of their ears back in forth can rupture blood vessels. Professional pet groomers have specialized equipment to remove ear hair, but the novice may use nose hair trimmers to get the same effect. 

If you should happen to cut into this vein, the nail will begin to bleed and there will certainly be pain involved. If your pet shows any sign of pain stop, what you're doing and comfort the animal.. Most animals do not like pet grooming and the ordeal of nail trimming can be a very a stressful time for them. 

If, however, the cat has been exposed to other items such as grease, or tree sap, the owner will need to perform a full bath complete with mild shampoo. If kitty has not had the experience of the "freshening" or other assisted bathing, this may be the time to contact a pet grooming expert as their facilities are better equipped to accommodate the angry and easily antagonized feline.