Pet Grooming Videos

Super Styling Session West Highland Terrier Grooming Tips

It is better if you use a comb and patiently work the mat loose, a few hairs at a time. If you find that this is to trying on your patience, you might want to take your pet rabbit to a professional pet groomer and have them remove the mats with a pair of electric clippers. Every few weeks, check and make sure that your rabbit's nails haven't gotten to long. 

The more their ears get handled at a young age the easier it will be for your veterinarian to inspect and treat any ear infections your pet might develop later in life. Dog and cat owners all know that trimming their pets nails can be a monstrous engagement. Although you shouldn't have to trim the nails of your new puppy or kitten, you can make play with their feet and start getting them accustomed to the feel of your fingers against their paws. 

Professional pet groomers are a little more experienced and they clip the nails at a faster rate than the novice. Take your time and be aware of how your pet reacts to having their nails clipped. If you do happen to cut the blood vessel in the center the nail, grab a clean cloth or sanitary paper towel to put pressure on the nail until the bleeding stops. 

This litter box odor eventually begins to permeate the general smell of the family pet. Upon noticing this condition, the cat owner will need to "freshen" the feline. This can be best achieved by pouring baking soda under lukewarm running water into a large sink or washtub. Once the baking soda has dissolved, carefully grasp two of the cat's paws in one hand, while doing the same with the other paws. 

That leads to the second way a mobile pet grooming service can improve your dog's health. A professional dog groomer will notice changes in your dogs hair coat and skin that could indicate health problems if not dealt with immediately. Many mobile pet groomers start out as a small hobby for a pet groomer, something they might do to start attracting a clientele, or a way to nurse a passion for pets. 

Excess hair can build moisture that will trap bacteria and cause ear infections or be a breeding ground for ear mites. These types of afflictions can cause your pet a great deal of discomfort. Infections cause the animal to scratch and shake their head. Mites can actually cause the animal to do damage to their inner canal as they stick their nails inside trying to scratch.