Pet Grooming Videos

Dog Grooming Maltipoo Ryu Gets a Japanese Style Makeover with Color at Pink Pucci in Torrance

Long haired cats, because of the length of their coat, are more prone to hairballs then their short haired contemporaries. Pet grooming is a wonderful way for cat owners to prevent the unpleasantness of hairballs. Brushing your cat once a day will remove dead hairs from the cat's coat. These dead hairs wont be around to stick to the cat's tongue and later be swallowed to form a hair ball. 

It doesn't take very long before the dog owner is desperate for some means of treating their dog's itchy skin. There are several chemical treatments that can be used to help your dog with its itchy problem. Although most of these chemical treatments work, some dogs have severe and sometimes fatal, allergies to the chemicals. 

Initial reaction of the animal is to bite or claw at the brush. They have a strange tool pulling and brushing their hair and their natural reaction is to defend themselves. By going slow and using soothing sounds, the owner can slowly introduce the new animal to the process. As the grooming goes on and the animal feels more comfortable, stronger strokes can be applied. 

A muzzle fits around the dog's mouth and is secured around the back of the head with ties or straps. Pet grooming experts agree that the animal feels no discomfort when wearing the muzzle. It leaves enough room for the pet to breather and at the same time restricts the animal from biting. Muzzles are made in all different sizes. 

Special events are organized to present current animal grooming techniques and the products of the pet grooming industry. Horses and other livestock are adorned during parades and rodeos making the animals a showpiece to the event. There are even pet grooming conventions that meet periodically around the United States and the world to present the newest techniques and equipment used in the pet grooming industry. 

True, a cat will commonly clean themselves to the best of their ability, however environmental and household conditions can determine the need for a full bath. Store-brand cat litter can often hold odor more discerningly than that of premium quality. This litter box odor eventually begins to permeate the general smell of the family pet.