Funny Pets Videos - Pet Information

Pigs as Pets

 Mention the word pig, and most peoples' first thoughts are of dirty creatures that bacon comes from. However, in reality, pigs are quite the opposite, they are very smart and very clean animals that make a great pet. Pigs have been kept domestically for hundreds of years for food, and it has only been during the later part of the 20 th century that people have begun to keep pigs solely as pets. The most popular breed of pet pigs are Asian Pot Bellied Pigs which are much smaller than most other breeds. They grow to the size of a medium height dog, can weigh up to 200lbs (90kg), and live between 9 to 14 years of age.

Every district has different laws on keeping pigs as pets, this can vary by city and country, so check with your local zoning office to see if it is legal. Your piggy will usually cost upwards of $50 and can be found at pet stores, or directly from some farms. Many people enjoy the company of pigs as they can be easily trained and can be a very obedient pet, so it's better that you select the pig yourself.

You can easily setup the backyard to accommodate your pig. Remember they need lots of room to wander about so fence off an area suitable for them, and separate their living area from their toilet area. Make sure the fencing is secure to keep your inquisitive pig in, and to keep any intruders well away from the pig. If you live in a cold climate region make sure you supply your pig with a warm house to live in with suitable bedding, and alternatively if you live in a warm climate make sure you supply piggy with a pool to keep cool in.

Asian Pot Bellied Pigs are omnivores so they eat meat, vegetables, fruits and grains. There are plenty of commercial pig foods available, however, they are not ideal by themselves for a healthy pig. You should give them plenty of grains, alfalfa, wheats, sunflower meal and greens so they can graze throughout the day.

Pigs are usually very healthy animals but there are a few precautions you should take so they remain healthy. Your pig should either be sprayed or neutered depending on sex, this will help reduce restlessness and aggressive behavior. Contact a veterinarian at least once a year to get all the correct vaccinations, boosters and worming, this will help your pig from getting any dangerous diseases. PetHandbook.

About the author:

We hope you enjoyed this article. You can find more great pet and pet care articles at Pet Handbook

 Mark Haakonsen

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