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Abusing Your Pets or Other Animals Will Not Take Away Your Anxieties

 When feeling stressed or anxious, some people sometimes take it out on their pets or other animals. Both of these alternatives are wrong. There is a better way to deal with your stresses and anxieties besides taking it out on your pets. Here is a list of alternate ways that a person can use to help manage their stress, anxieties, and fears.

First and foremost, seek help and treatment from a professional. Getting help from a counselor or other professional is very important and can provide you much help and insights in dealing with your current problem. Getting help from a professional should be the first thing you do if you have trouble managing your anxieties.

Try to learn what is the real source of your fears and anxieties. Knowing what the source of your problem is can go a long way in finding the solution. Think about it and try to figure out what is the source of your fears and stress. As a Layman, I learned that finding the source of your fears will put you that much closer in feeling better.

Sometimes, we get stressed when everything happens all at once. Instead of taking it out on an innocent animal, a person should take a deep breath and try to find something to do for a few minutes to get your mind off of the problem. A person could take a walk, listen to some music, read the newspaper or do an activity that will give them a fresh perspective on things. This mental timeout can help you refocus on your current situation.

When facing a current or upcoming task that overwhelms you with a lot of anxiety, the first thing you can do is to break the task into a series of smaller steps. Completing these smaller tasks one at a time will make the stress more manageable and increases your chances of success.

As a Layman and not as a professional, I realize it is not easy to deal with all of our fears and other problems, however do not take it out on your pets or other animals. They didn't do anything wrong and remember there are better ways to deal with your anxieties and stresses.

About the author:

Stan Popovich is the author of "A Layman's Guide to Managing Fear" an easy to read book that presents a overview of techniques that are effective in managing persistent fears and anxieties.

 Stanley Popovich

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