Pet Grooming Videos

Schnauzer Clipper Grooming

This unintentional act will sting your pet's eyes and lead to an unpleasant pet grooming experience. Wash the soap out with water or saline solution and dab the corners of the eye with a sterile cloth. Sooth you animal and try to take the focus off their eyes and maybe gain their attention by showing them a favorite toy or ball. 

Rabbits have very delicate skin so look for a brush that has soft bristles and wont tear your pet bunnies skin. Some rabbit owners prefer a plastic wide toothed comb for their grooming. When properly groomed and cared for long haired rabbits, like Angora's, are gorgeous. The problem is keeping all that hair combed, clean, and free of mats is quite a chore. 

When these natural oils are stripped away the dog's skin dries out and becomes more prone to infections. Dry skin in dogs is just as painful and scratchy to a dog as it is to a human that suffers from a similar condition, and dogs can rub lotion into themselves to correct the problem. When you are grooming your dog make sure you pay attention to their ears. 

The pet groomer should talk to you about concerns they find on your pet and detail any wounds or scratches your pet received during the session. Any unprofessional pet grooming behavior that you witness or discover should be reported to the either the state board that issued the certification or a veterinarian who can contact the proper authorities. 

If flea collars are your preferred method of flea control make sure that the collar is not so tight that your cat has difficulty breathing and eating but not so loose that your cat is in danger of getting caught on objects while it plays. If your cat already has fleas, the fastest way to get rid of them is to give it a flea bath. 

Try to shave mats as close as possible until you are able to work them out with a brush. Even shaving mat patches to the skin will leave your pet in danger of the sun and wind. If you use a clipper, brush the hair backwards against the grain and then move your clippers with the grain. Pet grooming experts may use a variety of length of clipper combs that can be used in variance with the length and thickness of the coat.